
Helping Your Child Avoid Procrastination

Helping Your Child Avoid Procrastination 150 150 Callie

Kids, like adults, sometimes procrastinate because they just don’t feel like doing work at that moment. But sometimes, there may be other issues at play that are causing your child…

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The Mayor’s Challenge

The Mayor’s Challenge 150 150 Suzanne

The Mayor’s Challenge is a major grant program provided by the Bloomberg Philanthropies which grants major urban centers monies for innovative projects. The urban districts are required to submit an…

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Decision Making and the Scientific Method

Decision Making and the Scientific Method 150 150 Suzanne

Learning how to make decisions is an important part of human development. As there are any number of ways in which a person will process and understand the world and…

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A Parent’s Guide to Autism

A Parent’s Guide to Autism 150 150 Callie

Autism spectrum disorders, more commonly referred to as just autism, is actually a range of neurodevelopment disorders that impairs normal brain function, affecting a person’s ability to communicate and interact…

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What is Close Reading?

What is Close Reading? 150 150 Suzanne

The development of close reading and critical reading strategies is essential to academic, and personal, success. The process is perpetual; we all pick up new ideas, words and ideas as…

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Mental Maps

Mental Maps 150 150 Suzanne

Mental maps are a useful tool for representing how people think about they place they live. They can be used with students of any age, and allow each person to…

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Recent News on the SAT’s

Recent News on the SAT’s 150 150 Suzanne

Standardized tests are a huge part of the current educational system, and it is a topic that gets a lot of discussion. Within the fray, there was a recent article…

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Educational Summer Camps

Educational Summer Camps 150 150 Callie

The snow may still be falling now, but before you know it, spring will be here. And soon after: the lazy days of summer. But that doesn’t mean summer vacation…

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A Parent’s Guide to ADHD

A Parent’s Guide to ADHD 150 150 Callie

We’ve all heard of ADHD, but just what is it? What are the symptoms? And what can you do as a parent if you suspect your child has ADHD? Spotting…

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Effective Parental Involvement

Effective Parental Involvement 150 150 Suzanne

There is a lot of pressure on parents to raise successful kids. There is a lot of discussion of the importance of parental involvement in their child’s education as being…

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