Relieving Test Anxiety

Relieving Test Anxiety

Relieving Test Anxiety 150 150 Kristen

With the school year underway, your child is probably well into his or her studies. Along with all the worksheets, projects and papers also come tests. As schools turn their focus more and more to testing, you and your child may be starting to feel some of the affects. It’s completely normal for a student to be nervous about an important upcoming test, but when that anxiety becomes too much it can start to have negative impacts on your child. Below are some ways you can help relieve test anxiety in children.

  • First, take a look at yourself. Parents are sometimes, unknowingly, the cause of anxiety in their children. Parents often think their child’s entire academic career can depend on a few test scores, and will sometimes pass this worry along to their children. It’s ok to still consider tests important, but try to also focus on your child’s other accomplishments as well.
  • All kids are not the same. Try not to compare your child to other students. Different people learn in different ways, and a test score is not always the final determination of a child’s success in school. This goes for siblings as well – just because you raised them in the same house doesn’t mean they learn and test the same.
  • Help your child with studying. Work with your child to establish consistent and effective study routines. Test anxiety can often stem from your child’s fear that they do not know the material well. Helping your child study will help them feel more prepared when the test approaches.
  • Test taking tips. Additionally, work with your child to develop good test-taking skills. Some student’s anxiety will cause them to freeze up and ultimately perform poorly on the test. Teaching your child tips, like eliminating wrong answers on multiple choice, or skipping difficult questions and returning to them later, can help him or her stay focused and confident during tests.

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