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Projectile Motion 555 295 Teaching Staff

Projectile Motion

Overview Physics in general can be regarded as the study of how things work and operate in our day to day lives. It can help explain anything as simple as the mechanics and forces involved when you walk to even something as complicated as the origins of the universe. One of the most important and…

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A Quick Start Guide to Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams 521 358 Teaching Staff

A Quick Start Guide to Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams

Bohr-Rutherford diagrams are simple atomic models that show the number of electrons in each shell of an atom. While they are a major simplification of what really happening in an atom, they can be useful to help with visualizing electrons orbiting a nucleus. Drawing Bohr-Rutherford diagrams is super easy using the following steps:   Find…

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Rockets: How Do They fly? 1280 853 Teaching Staff

Rockets: How Do They fly?

Rockets. We can all picture one, blasting off from a launch tower amid a roar of smoke and fire, riding a tail of flames higher and higher until finally coming to a rest in the vast expanse of space. If you’ve ever been remotely close to one of these behemoths as they are taking off,…

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The Layers of the Earth 500 342 Teaching Staff

The Layers of the Earth

Overview Whether we’re at school or at work, the one thing we tend to take for granted is our home. Not our physical houses, but our Home – the Earth. So let’s take some time to learn more about our amazing Home and the many layers to it. The Earth has a radius of 6,378…

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The Atomic Model: A Timeline History 960 640 Teaching Staff

The Atomic Model: A Timeline History

Atoms. What are they? If you are taking Chemistry then you should know that they are the basic building blocks of all matter. You may have also learnt that the atom is made up of sub-atomical particles known as protons, neutrons and electrons. But did you know that the model of an atom has changed…

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Naming Organic Compounds 877 1024 Teaching Staff

Naming Organic Compounds

Naming organic molecules can seem like a daunting task, because lets face it, there are more rules than most of us care to learn. That being said, the aim of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is a noble one: to provide a system for providing every stable combination of atoms with a…

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Tips for Factoring Polynomials 970 1024 Teaching Staff

Tips for Factoring Polynomials

Polynomial Factoring:   As in many fields, the manner in which we approach a problem In mathematics can greatly affect how we go about solving it. By finding the factors of a polynomial, we can more easily identify roots, divide polynomials, and simplify rational expressions. These are just a few examples that you may see…

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The 3 Types of Natural Selection 960 663 Teaching Staff

The 3 Types of Natural Selection

Natural selection is defined as a process or a “force” that allows for organisms better adapted to their environment to better survive and produce more offspring. The theory of natural selection was first founded by Charles Darwin. The process of natural selection is important and is a driving force for evolution. For organisms to evolve,…

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Le Châtelier’s Principal 656 720 Teaching Staff

Le Châtelier’s Principal

A difficult concept in chemistry is the equilibrium of chemical equations. Chemical reactions do not always react to completion, and they can proceed in either direction if it is written with a double sided arrow. The reaction in the forward direction (looking from left to right in the equation) does not always proceed at the…

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Literary Devices 960 640 Teaching Staff

Literary Devices

Literary devices are techniques used by writers to create depth and meaning to the messages they are trying to convey. Knowing some of the more common literary devices can be important for understanding the things you read, and also for using in your own writing. They appear all over different types of media: books, movies,…

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