A Gap Year is the year between high school and college in which students take on learning challenges, but one’s that are beyond the classroom. Gap Year programs or self-initiatives…
read moreOne of the key phrases tossed around when discussing instruction and assessment is “Bloom’s Taxonomy.” What this is is a classification system for the intellectual behaviors students will go through…
read moreInnovative thinking comes about from the little bits of what we know and the unexpected convergences of how we think. Innovative thinking is transformative; it takes an idea and uses…
read moreI find that students are not comfortable with the idea of physics because it is due to two things. Either they do not have enough mathematical background or they need…
read morePercentages, Decimals, and Fractions are closely related together, but some students find it hard to relate them together. The relationship between percentages and decimals is simple; you can just…
read moreThe shorthand notation for an atom or ion is represented by the picture above. It is commonly seen on periodic table depicting the different elements. However, even though this is…
read moreHaving taken good notes could make all the difference when it comes to studying for an upcoming test. This does not only include taking notes in class, this also includes…
read moreThe phrase, “Math is hard” is one that is commonly heard. People say it off-handed not realizing the impact it actually has on students’ education. When people enter a math…
read moreWhen writing an essay, it can seem daunting. But if you break it down into steps, it becomes far more manageable. Step One: Decide on your topic. Even if your…
read moreThe Preliminary SAT, commonly referred to as the PSAT, is a standardized test that provides firsthand experience and practice for the SAT. It is also an excellent opportunity to enter…
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