
Preparing for Tests and the Importance of Sleep

Preparing for Tests and the Importance of Sleep 150 150 admin

Most students are so busy with extracurricular activities, friends, and their own lives that they leave homework and studying till the last minute. This can result in meltdowns, frustration, disregard,…

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Saving for Your Child’s College Education

Saving for Your Child’s College Education 150 150 admin

There are a number of tax-advantaged programs to save for your child’s college education. In the U.S., parents should look into 529 savings plans, which are offered by individual states.…

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Five Tips on Helping Your Child with Their Homework

Five Tips on Helping Your Child with Their Homework 150 150 admin

There is extensive research that shows that helping your child with their homework improves their classroom attendance and academic grades. Here are five tips on how to help your child…

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