How to cancel your SAT Scores

How to cancel your SAT Scores

How to cancel your SAT Scores 150 150 Emma Taylor

What if I think my SAT Scores are going to be really bad?

Some days you just know that you didn’t perform at your every best level.  When that happens, you do have options.

Change the recipients:  Up until nine days after the test, you have the option to change who will receive the scores. Now, just because the student is feeling the pressure of having taken the test is no reason to make immediate changes.  The reality is, even though the student may feel like they did poorly, the probably did better than they think.  In the event the student does decide to remove some schools from the recipient list, reinstating those schools to receive the score does carry an additional fee.  Changes can be made through the student account with the College Board.

The other option is to submit a request to have the scores cancelling, but this is a pretty extreme step.  The only real reasons to do this might be if the child became ill during the test or had another emergency that required them to leave, or if they fell asleep during the test.  The reasons have to be pretty compelling to make this a viable option.  If the student requests to have the scores cancelled, they will not be reported to the student or any college.  They cannot be reinstated.  Students must submit requests for cancellation before midnight (Eastern Time) on the Wednesday following the test date.

More information about cancelling scores is available on the College Board website.

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