The transition from high school to university is very tough for many. The reason for this is because we’ve already grown familiar with the small group of students in high school with friends who took the same classes as you. The transition over to a large campus with much more people makes one feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Once you all graduate high school and move onto different pathways, you will feel as if you lost your friends and a great wave of loneliness will come over you. Just know that this is only normal.
We are all on the same boat

The first step is understanding that you are not the only one who is feeling lonely in this new setting. All the other first year students are also transitioning from one setting to another. Some may have come overseas, far from their families, or just moved in from a neighboring city. Regardless, we all feel lonely. If you are living on campus, this would be the perfect chance to make friends. By just hanging out in the halls or visiting the cafeteria can include lots of interactions with the students around you and opportunities for friendship to arise.
Join clubs and Volunteer

The next step is to go to your club and volunteer fair held on-campus. This will help you get a better idea of the extracurriculars offered at your school. Once you are able to find an opportunity based on your interests, you will meet others with similar interests and develop great friendships from there. This is also the perfect option if you are living off-campus.
Talk to Those in Your Class

A few minutes before or after class, take some time to talk to the person beside you. You can start off the conversation by asking them what program they’re in, what classes they’re taking, what city they are from, or anything else that comes to mind. This way you have someone to talk to about classes when you both need help as well. In addition, it can lead to study groups and both of you meeting each other’s friends and hanging out together outside of studying.
If you are looking for a way to make friends in university, these tips will definitely help. Remember to stay positive and making friends will be simple.
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