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Le Passé Composé: IR, ER, RE 1600 1066 Teaching Staff

Le Passé Composé: IR, ER, RE

There are three main parts to the past tense in French. The following formula represents these three parts: Le sujet + L’auxiliaire + Le participe passé Le Sujet When you compose a sentence, a subject is usually included. The subject is the person(s) and/or thing that is performing the action/verb. In French, these are the common…

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Mitosis: From a Mother to Twins 800 512 Teaching Staff

Mitosis: From a Mother to Twins

Mitosis is a form of cell division that allows a mother cell to give rise to two daughter cells. The daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and to the mother cell. Mitosis involves nuclear division, where the duplicated DNA in the mother cell splits into two identical sets of chromosomes (one set for…

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Solving a System of Equations: Substitution and Elimination 794 629 Teaching Staff

Solving a System of Equations: Substitution and Elimination

When dealing with a system of linear equations there are two methods to algebraically solve the question. One is substitution and the other is elimination which is meant to be a shortcut. Both methods will bring you to the same solution but with more practice, you will recognize patterns and see which method would work…

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Exceptional Verbs in French: Stem-Changing Verbs 800 533 Teaching Staff

Exceptional Verbs in French: Stem-Changing Verbs

In the French language, there are several exceptions to look out for for when conjugating verbs and one of these exceptions include stem-changing verbs. Stem-changing verbs have two different stems/radicals when conjugated to the present form. Stem-changing verbs utilize the same endings as the regular -er verbs in the present form, however the stem varies…

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Balancing Chemical Equations 2329 1287 Teaching Staff

Balancing Chemical Equations

Often in chemistry chemical reactions are written in an equation form using chemical symbols. The reactants of the chemical reactants are placed on the left hand side of the reaction and the products of the reaction are placed on the right hand side of the equation. The 2 sides of the equation is then connected…

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A Basic Overview of the 4 Types of Human Tissue 1070 1135 Teaching Staff

A Basic Overview of the 4 Types of Human Tissue

In order for us to complete are daily actions, we need our body to function as a whole. The body does this by having organs work together for different purposes. Our organs are made up of many tissues (sheets of cells) connected together to serve different purposes, to execute actions inside our body and help…

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Climate Change 711 350 Teaching Staff

Climate Change

Climate Change (or global warming) is the increase of the Earth’s global temperature. In the last century, it has been noted that the Earth temperature has increased by 1 degree Celsius. This number may not be very large; however, it has huge impacts on the wildlife and humans all around the world. What is causing…

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Multiplying and Dividing Decimals 750 325 Teaching Staff

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Multiplying and dividing is a very important and fundamental math skill that every student should have down. However, problems that many encounter in real and not all questions that are given to you come out as nice and even. Although calculators have made our job easier, knowing how to multiply and divide decimals is a…

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Science Review of a Synapse 1600 900 Teaching Staff

Science Review of a Synapse

A synapse is a structure that is essential to the function of the nervous system. This structure allows a neuron (a nerve cell)  to transmit a signal to a target cell, allowing communication between two cells. There are three main components in a synapse: the presynaptic neuron, the synaptic cleft and the postsynaptic cell. The…

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Taking Basic Derivatives 1024 538 Teaching Staff

Taking Basic Derivatives

Derivative: an expression that represents the rate of change of a function. At this level, it is usually denoted as y’ or f’(x) (read y prime and f prime at x respectively)   Derivatives are often the first concept that is taught in Calculus. Understanding how to find the derivative of a function is essential…

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