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Preparing For High School

Preparing For High School

Preparing For High School 960 480 Teaching Staff

Starting high school can seem scary at first. It may be the first time you have has a locker. It may be the first time you have to move from class to class. It may be your first time at a new school or at a school that’s different than some of your friends. More likely than not, it may also be your first time writing exams. High school is full of new experiences. As scary as it may seem though, there are always ways for you to prepare for your first day and to also help you make the most out of high school!

Finding Your Classes

High schools are often much bigger than elementary school and it can be easy to get lost when you are unfamiliar with the layout. As well, this also means that there are a lot more students roaming the halls. It can seem intimidating walking through hallways with so many students, especially since many of them are older and seem to know their way around. Don’t worry! Schools will often provide maps of the school on student’s first day or before, so this will allow you to find your way around. However, remember that all of those other students in the halls either are or have been where you are, and are happy to help if you need it. If you get lost or can’t find a class, ask another student or a teacher who can point you in the right direction. Before you know it, you will be a pro at finding your way around too.

Getting Involved

High school is a place full of new opportunities to get involved in your school community. There are always clubs, trips, volunteering opportunities, sports teams and school events to get involved with. Think about what interests you and seek out what’s available at your school. Maybe you really love soccer and want to try out for the team. Maybe you play an instrument and want to join the band. Maybe you want to make a difference at your school and join student council. Maybe there’s a school dance later in the year and you really want to go. You could even start your own club if you wanted! Whatever it may be, you will be able to find your place, make new friends and make new memories.

Staying Organized

The academic demands in high school are often a lot more than in elementary school, but do not worry, it’s always manageable, especially if you stay organized! Get a school planner to plan out your weeks and stay on top of assignment due dates and test dates. Keep organized notes and do homework problems and readings to review material. Also make sure to always have your pens, pencils, erasers and paper with you so you are ready for class! Remember that teachers are also there to help you when needed, so never be afraid to ask questions. As well, in order to graduate there are always required classes you need. Planning out your courses and knowing what you need to take will help make sure you are on track to finish and graduate come the end of high school.

Staying Healthy

High school can be stressful, so always remember to take care of yourself both mentally and physically! Make sure to eat balanced meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner (don’t forget to eat veggies), as well as get enough sleep the night before classes. Plan out your time so you do not have to stay up late finishing an assignment or studying for a test and losing out on important sleep. Staying on top of homework is very important, but do not forget to also make time for yourself to relax and have some fun as well.

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