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Good Reads and Recommendations

Good Reads and Recommendations

Good Reads and Recommendations 150 150 Suzanne

The study of the mind has a vast body of literature, which is not to be confused with the genre of self-help literature. Although books about the mind are extremely helpful, there is a scientific study of the mind that puts certain books into the Science genre and others into the Psychology or Self-Help genre.

One book from the Science category, MindHacker: 60 Tips, Tricks, and Games to Take Your Mind to the Next Level by Ron Hale-Evans and Marty Hale-Evans, employs scientific knowledge of how the mind functions and processes thoughts and applies this knowledge to stepping up one’s personal thinking ability.

The book is organized to provide tips to becoming more aware of our thinking within certain areas which have clear implications for education – Memory, Learning, Information Processing, Creativity and Productivity, Math and Logic, Communication, and a couple other more personal realms.

Each of these sections is a chapter which contains both simple tips and more complex explanations of why and how they work. For instance, in the section on Memory there is a section that describes how to effectively use cues to aid in memory recall without overburdening the memory devices. The discussion further ranges into different ways to build memory houses and organize thoughts.

In the Learning section, there is a description of how to understand one’s own conscious base by reflecting on the value we put on the books we have read. The analysis further ranges into the different ways to use reading, writing or self-study to develop knowledge.

The section on Creativity and Productivity allows the reader to learn about how to maximize bad examples, consider odd events, project into the future, make effective mistakes, be uncertain, and to use these things to propel a next stage of knowledge and understanding.

These introductory chapters lead into the more complex portion of the book, which involves technical descriptions of how to capture information and use it effectively through personal research. There are suggestions and steps provided for programming one’s own search genies, as it were, to enhance web-searching if working on a project of personal interest. Essentially, one can use the information provided to data mine for highly specific interests, or to build a personal library from which to conduct innovative research.

Throughout the book, the balance is maintained between readability and technical information. It is written for anyone who thinks and wants to think better; the tone is light and knowledgeable and avoids didacticism. It is scientific self-help of the most useful kind, and highly recommended for students of all ages.

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