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Maximize Productivity When Studying at Home

Maximize Productivity When Studying at Home

Maximize Productivity When Studying at Home 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

A cluttered studying space can be detrimental to students who are trying to be successful learners. However, following some simple tips below may help you maintain an effective learning environment and thus, improve productivity.

1. Use the right home office furniture

Buy home office furniture that works for what you are studying for. If your course load requires a lot of bulky textbooks and binders, remember to find a sturdy desk with lots of storage space so you do not have to stack everything up on a tiny corner of your desk. Finding a desk with shelves and drawers also allows you to better organize your office supplies. Don’t forget to save space for a printing station so that you can print off your assignments!

2. Make sure your office supplies are accessible

Keep your supplies within convenient reach, so that you can grab them easily as you need to. If you are reading a novel for English for which you have to have sticky notes handy, don’t leave them in a locked drawer! Prioritize what supplies you will need to keep on your desk to study for a particular subject or complete a particular assignment, then put everything else away. Making sure you always have what you need whenever you need it within reach will definitely improve your productivity!

3. Start off with a clean desk

Finish off every day by cleaning up your desk! This allows you to start the next day with a tidy work space. Feeling refreshed, you will be ready to go for the assignments and studying ahead. Get rid of that pile of “stuff” that has accumulated on your desk at the end of the day. Remember to toss out old scrap paper, documents, or notes that are taking up space.

4. Get a memo board

You are probably juggling several courses at the same time, with a million deadlines to meet and a million test dates to remember. What better to remind yourself of these important days than pinning memos up on a cork-board? Not only can you pin important dates up, but you can also put other important reminders, notes, phone numbers up on your personal board!

This article was written for you by Natalle, one of the tutors with SchoolTutoring Academy.