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Teaching Staff

The Benefits of Reading to Children

The Benefits of Reading to Children 512 342 Teaching Staff

Although it is well known that reading is important, many people overlook the benefits of reading to their children.  Since they often cannot read to themselves, children rely on the…

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The Importance of a Routine

The Importance of a Routine 512 288 Teaching Staff

As much as everyone loves summer vacation, I think most people can agree that it is difficult to set up a routine during breaks from school or work.  However, routines…

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Listening to Music while Studying

Listening to Music while Studying 512 341 Teaching Staff

Some people enjoy listening to music while studying, while others say that it distracts them far too much. Whatever your stance, let’s take a look at the pros and cons…

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Persevering Through Exam Period

Persevering Through Exam Period 2560 1773 Teaching Staff

Exam season can be a very stressful time for any student. There is often a lot of pressure to do well, and since exams are usually worth a large part…

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Choosing The Right Courses

Choosing The Right Courses 625 746 Teaching Staff

When it comes to choosing courses for school, the choices can be daunting. With so many options, it can be hard to narrow down which ones are right for you.…

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Learning: There’s No Expiration Date

Learning: There’s No Expiration Date 960 640 Teaching Staff

  Is there anything that you’ve always been interested in and wanted to learn, but think that it’s too late? For example: learning how to ride a motorcycle, learning a…

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The Benefits of Technology in Education

The Benefits of Technology in Education 1200 701 Teaching Staff

Technology has become more and more involved in the education system. Most schools or classrooms have access to computers and incorporate their use into classroom learning.  The use of technology…

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The Importance of Reading

The Importance of Reading 1776 1161 Teaching Staff

Sometimes getting your child to sit down and read can seem like a chore, but reading is extremely important! Why is reading so important and how can you get your…

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Types of Learners

Types of Learners 960 640 Teaching Staff

When it comes to learning, different people have different learning methods that work best for them. There are four main types of learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. There…

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Effective Research

Effective Research 600 450 Teaching Staff

Have you ever had to do a research project for a class and had no idea where to start? No problem! This guide to conducting research more efficiently is for…

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