Pre Algebra Tutors Available
SchoolTutoring Academy offers Math – Pre-Algebra tutoring across all cities in the U.S. and Canada. Please call us at 1-877-545-7737 (PREP) to schedule tutoring with any of our available tutors.
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The University of Texas, El Paso – Religion
“Encouraging higher-level thinking skills and independence are of utmost importance in my instruction, as I aim to develop leaders who lead by example and through critical thinking.”

University of Florida – Neurobiological Science
“Every student deserves equal treatment; some may be more forthcoming, these are easy to teach; it’s the students who desire success but may be more introverted or not know even where to start on success in your course that require more effort and may ultimately show the most gains from your class.”

University of Western Ontario – English Language and Literature
“Having a student understand a concept is one thing, but to inspire a deeper desire for connections beyond the classroom is the true making of an effective, influential teacher.”

University of Manitoba – Math
“Teachers are no longer the fountains of information we used to be.”

California State University – Mathematics
“Mathematics is a tool more than a learned knowledge.”

Western Governors University – Early Childhood Education
“It is my job as an educator to teach the child the best way that fits their learning style.”

Trent University – History
“I believe that all children have the desire and ability to learn.”

University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Middle Grades Mathematics Education
“I know it takes effort and willingness to learn, but incorporating methods and strategies I have gathered in 20 years of teaching, math can be a fun and a positive experience for all.”

Minnesota State University at Moorhead – History
“Good comprehension of the written word, and the ability to translate technical information to easily grasp concepts is the key to literacy.”

Indiana University – Elementary Education
“First and foremost, I believe all students have the capacity to learn if they put forth the effort and the teacher will differentiate the lesson according to the student’s learning style.”