Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions

Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions are closely related together, but some students find it hard to relate them together.   The relationship between percentages and decimals is simple; you can just multiply the decimal by 100. For example, 0.5 * 100 = 50 = 50% of 100 0.352 * 70 = 35.2% of 70 1.42 *…

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How to Solve SAT Word Problems Teaching Staff

How to Solve SAT Word Problems

For students who are intermediately good at sentence completion exercises, they have easy time solving questions with one blank; they just need to find what the blank should mean, and find the words with the meaning among multiple choice. However, when there are two blanks in a question, most students find it hard to get…

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Trying to Choose a College or University 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Trying to Choose a College or University

Is High School graduation approaching fast? Are you still unsure of where you will go next? The first thing you should do in order to make this decision is take a deep breath and remember that you are not alone. Countless students across your country and across the world are making the same decision which…

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Chemistry Help: Shorthand Notation 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Chemistry Help: Shorthand Notation

The shorthand notation for an atom or ion is represented by the picture above. It is commonly seen on periodic table depicting the different elements. However, even though this is shorthand to writing elements, it still relay much information to the viewer. 1) The letter(s) at the centre of the notation represents the element that…

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ACT Science Reasoning Test: Data Representation Passages Teaching Staff

ACT Science Reasoning Test: Data Representation Passages

The ACT Science Reasoning section consists of 7 science passages of three different types of passages: data representation, research summaries, and comparing/conflicting viewpoint. Each of these different types of passages present various styles of questions, with some overlap between the three types of passages. Let us first consider the data representation passages. The data representation…

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Taking Effective Notes 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Taking Effective Notes

Having taken good notes could make all the difference when it comes to studying for an upcoming test. This does not only include taking notes in class, this also includes taking notes from a required textbook. If you are characterized to be a read/write learner, the skill of effective note taking will benefit you even…

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Identifying Sentence Errors Teaching Staff

Identifying Sentence Errors

A part of the SAT English section that many students find hard to deal with is identifying sentence errors. This style of question tests the student’s knowledge of grammatical and writing rules by application. The general layout of the question will be a sentence with multiple words or phrases underlined. The student must then determine…

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Preconceived Notions and Learning 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Preconceived Notions and Learning

The phrase, “Math is hard” is one that is commonly heard. People say it off-handed not realizing the impact it actually has on students’ education. When people enter a math course with the expectations that it will be difficult they will often, consciously or unconsciously, tell themselves, “It’s okay if I don’t do well in math…

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SAT Subject Tests: Who Should Take Them? 556 133 Teaching Staff

SAT Subject Tests: Who Should Take Them?

SAT subject tests are an increasingly important part of the college admissions process. The general SAT reasoning test does a fairly good job of testing a student’s abilities in the areas of critical reading, writing, and basic mathematics, but many colleges want further assurance that a student will be able to excel in a particular…

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Finding Your Own Private Space to Study 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Finding Your Own Private Space to Study

For a student, finding the time to buckle down and study is easier said than done. If a student thinks too much about studying sometimes they can get overwhelmed and put it off for later. So how can studying go from a dreaded task to one that can be easily tackled? The answer is as…

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How to Speed Up Your Basic Arithmetic Teaching Staff

How to Speed Up Your Basic Arithmetic

In math class, students do a lot of simple calculations. However, some students can finish their math problems quicker than others. Why would this happen? It is because their calculation speed is very slow. Being able to solve question faster has two advantages: saves time, and higher accuracy. When you are writing an exam, you…

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SAT Writing: Choosing a Position and a Thesis 407 533 Teaching Staff

SAT Writing: Choosing a Position and a Thesis

One of the most stressful parts of the SAT is the SAT essay. Unlike other sections of the SAT, the essay is effectively a single work, and it has a very significant impact on the score of the writing section. In this post, we will focus will be on one of the most essential parts…

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing That Next Essay 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing That Next Essay

When writing an essay, it can seem daunting. But if you break it down into steps, it becomes far more manageable. Step One: Decide on your topic. Even if your topic has been chosen for you, you may not be ready to move on to the step. First, consider what kind of paper you are…

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Guessing on the SAT, is it Worth it? Teaching Staff

Guessing on the SAT, is it Worth it?

One fact of the SAT examination that causes many students stress is the deduction of marks for incorrect answers. I hope to dispel all of the myths regarding this rule, and explain how to maximize your potential marks on the test. To begin with, let’s discuss about the purpose of mark deduction for incorrect answers.…

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Creating a Study Schedule 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Creating a Study Schedule

Often times, you’ll find yourself swamped with tests and exams in a short amount of time. With so much to study in such a short period, managing your time becomes very important. Creating a study schedule will help you do so. Here are some tips on how to create a successful study schedule. 1) Start…

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The PSAT: How Much Does it Help? Teaching Staff

The PSAT: How Much Does it Help?

The Preliminary SAT, commonly referred to as the PSAT, is a standardized test that provides firsthand experience and practice for the SAT. It is also an excellent opportunity to enter National Merit Scholarship qualifying programs. The PSAT is most commonly written by sophomores and juniors in high school, and it shares a similar format to…

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Mnemonics: Helping to Remember What You Learn 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Mnemonics: Helping to Remember What You Learn

There are a lot of things that we are often required to remember as students. Whether it is facts, numbers or equations, the list is endless. How do we manage to memorize everything when there is just so much? Often, we pick up or develop simple tricks to help us remember things. A mnemonic is…

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How to do Better on the ACT Science Section Teaching Staff

How to do Better on the ACT Science Section

The ACT science section can intimidate a lot of people. Feeling like you need to know all of this stuff can leave many students in distress. Luckily for you, you won’t need to know everything. In the passages you’ll be dealing with, you’ll be given everything that you need in order to answer all of…

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Why is Reading Important? 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Why is Reading Important?

One of the first things taught in school is how to read. Reading is something adults do daily and think very little of it. This skill is as natural as breathing to those with experience, but what many seasoned readers forget is that for those who are just beginning, reading can be very challenging. This…

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Test Taking Tips 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Test Taking Tips

Writing a test is nerve-wracking. Sometimes you don’t know how to answer the question or sometimes, you simply run out of time. There are some ways that can help prevent those things from happening. Here are some tips on what to do during a test to minimize the occurrence of those events.   – Glance…

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