Building the Best College List for Yourself 582 300 Teaching Staff

Building the Best College List for Yourself

Choosing which colleges or universities can be very difficult when there’s so many to choose from. Oftentimes, you have already gone on your college tours during the summer of your junior year and come into your senior year with an idea of what your college list looks like. Even if you haven’t had the chance…

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SAT or ACT: Which Exam is for you? Teaching Staff

SAT or ACT: Which Exam is for you?

One difficult choice for many high school juniors and seniors is deciding whether to write the SAT or the ACT. This is an important choice, because the two tests are fundamentally different, which can have a considerable effect on the final score of a student. In addition, since the vast majority of schools in the…

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How to Teach Your Child How to Multiply 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

How to Teach Your Child How to Multiply

Your son or daughter finally reached that age where addition and subtraction of numbers are no longer a challenge for them. It could be that their school is starting to teach them their times tables. Some students will understand the concept of multiplication right away, but that is not necessarily the case for everyone. At…

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Tips for Writing Multiple Choice Tests Teaching Staff

Tips for Writing Multiple Choice Tests

Learning how to perform well on multiple choice tests can be difficult. Here are some tips to do better on your next test. Read the question carefully. If you read the question too quickly or skip reading information provided before the specific question is asked, you may miss important information needed to find the correct…

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Eliminating Distractions to Your Learning 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Eliminating Distractions to Your Learning

You have allotted two hours to study for the math test tomorrow. The next thing you know, you glance at your clock and it says 2:00am. The tragic thing is, you have only gone through one-third of the material you needed to cover. We live in a world where social media and the presence of…

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Tips For Relieving Study Stress Teaching Staff

Tips For Relieving Study Stress

“I’ve had enough of studying, it’s not sticking anymore!” is a fairly common statement made my most students, usually followed by screaming. Studying can be an extremely stressful ordeal especially if you have a hard time retaining the material. It can be quiet taxing when all you can remember is how much you hate studying…

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Taking Advantage of Your Learning Styles Teaching Staff

Taking Advantage of Your Learning Styles

Learning Styles According to Neil Fleming, there are 4 categories of learning styles: visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. These categories describe how an individual prefers to learn. People can find out what categories they fall under by taking a simple questionnaire. Students can learn better by adapting to their individual learning styles. Here are some…

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Nervous About Starting at a New School? Teaching Staff

Nervous About Starting at a New School?

You have graduated from middle school or elementary school and you are on your way to high school. Now you are wondering: What is high school going to be like? Are the people going to be nice? What if I don’t know anyone in my classes? What if I can’t make new friends? It is…

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Why Students Should Learn a Second Language Teaching Staff

Why Students Should Learn a Second Language

Learning a second language takes time and dedication, but the rewards and reasons for doing so are numerous. Future Career Opportunities In you are interested in a job which involves regular contact with speakers of a foreign language, being able to interact them in their native language will improve your ability to communicate with them.…

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How to Choose a Major in College or University Teaching Staff

How to Choose a Major in College or University

Once you choose a major, you are not committed to in permanently. Our major is simply a starting point. The most important thing to remember when deciding on a major is to follow your interests and discover what it is that you love to do. While you are in the process of deciding on a…

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Trying to Choose a College or University Teaching Staff

Trying to Choose a College or University

Is High School graduation approaching fast? Are you still unsure of where you will go next? The first thing you should do in order to make this decision is take a deep breath and remember that you are not alone. Countless students across your country and across the world are making the same decision which…

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The Day before an Exam: To Sleep or not to Sleep… 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

The Day before an Exam: To Sleep or not to Sleep…

On the night before an exam, many people ask themselves this question: “Should I sleep or study?” The answer to this question, however, varies for every person/circumstance. Sleeping well replenishes your energy and, in addition, it boosts your level of thinking. These 2 benefits will definitely improve your performance during an exam. Judging from these…

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Maximize Productivity When Studying at Home 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Maximize Productivity When Studying at Home

A cluttered studying space can be detrimental to students who are trying to be successful learners. However, following some simple tips below may help you maintain an effective learning environment and thus, improve productivity. 1. Use the right home office furniture Buy home office furniture that works for what you are studying for. If your…

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Transitioning from High School to University 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Transitioning from High School to University

For a lot of students the thought of moving from what you already know and have grown accustomed to, to something foreign to you is a scary thought. However, the transition from High School to University does not have to be a terrifying experience, rather it can be exhilarating. When preparing for University you might…

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The Rising Cost of Higher Education – 150 150 Emma Taylor

The Rising Cost of Higher Education –

Attending a college or university represents a significant investment for families. Tuition fees have continued to rise which has made it increasingly difficult for families to accurately budget and save. This problem is exacerbated for low and middle-income families where tuition fees as a percentage of median family income has increased significantly. Learn how affordable…

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The Importance of Speech 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

The Importance of Speech

Not only is reading a critical aspect of a child’s learning, but the use of proper speech is greatly influential as well. Often times people tend to lean towards the importance of encouraging reading, and forget about the impact their speech could have on their child as they get older. Let’s not forget, we all…

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The Hidden Benefits of Vocabulary Practise 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

The Hidden Benefits of Vocabulary Practise

No matter what we are studying, the biggest secret to success is vocabulary practise. Whether it be English or organic chemistry, it is essential to practise vocabulary for every subject. Old habits die hard. Most often, students will learn new vocabulary when they are reading a chapter. However, after you turn a page, you are…

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Games of Logic and Reasoning: Playing Games Can Improve Math Skills! 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Games of Logic and Reasoning: Playing Games Can Improve Math Skills!

Some children are very good at times table and division problems, but still, their performances in math class are not very impressive. Arithmetic skills are very important indeed, but analytical skill is also crucial to a student’s success in math. As a parent, you might wonder how you can improve your child’s logic skills in…

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Preparation: Packing for College 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

Preparation: Packing for College

So you’ve got your order of admission, said good-bye to your family and friends, and you are ready to start your wonderful college life. But wait – have you figured out what to pack when you head to school? Packing has always been an overwhelming and tedious task for most people, especially first year college…

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How Feedback Impacts Student Learning 150 150 SchoolTutoring.Staff

How Feedback Impacts Student Learning

Giving children positive feedback is essential to their positive growth. Parents and teachers complement their children frequently, and now there is any interesting study that sheds light on how the quality of that feedback is interpreted by children. A study was conducted by the Stanford University psychologist Carol Zweck that involved 400 5th grade students…

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